Testimonial English - Magic Scent

We have cloaked client details for their privacy! Most of our clients are chinese, so most of them are originally in chinese. We did some translation underneath this post. :) 
You may see some reviews relating to other product.
Jacqueline Tan on sms 012-4092xxx (补充:她是用甜美纯真) Hi Sarah, thanks for your sample. I never thought you will send me a free sample since one year time ago I complained about the lure perfume smell. When I first received the sample it was like, wow…so cute. Everything is in perfect condition, give me better confidence compared to the old one. I tried opening it and apply it on my neck and just take it easy as it mentioned in instructional manual by your professionals. I like the sweet smell, make me feel like a princess. Hehe… I went clubbing on the same night. ( I applied on the morning, went to work, then back from work and straight to clubbing :P ) And on the same night I get “successful result” on the guy I have “targeting” for so long. Hehe… I don’t feel like telling in details but I think this message will help you and bring confidence to your client.
Tan R W on sms 012-5283xxx (补充:她是用活泼动人) 收到你的新香水sample了也试用了!在这里给你评价吧!这次的香水(你说是帮助别人在工作上对你有好感)真的很喜欢它的味道,用了它感觉。我用了它不知道是不是心理作用,老板好像没有那么苛刻这样。我做错了东西喔!她竟然说没关系以后小心点。之前她一定残我到天花板的!!哈哈哈哈哈。。。孩子平时不喜欢我也好像比较黏我这样。老公就没有什么发觉到变化,可是那天他建议不用煮一家人出去吃东西,我不知道是巧合还是什么。可是感觉就蛮好的~期待这个香水为我带来和平时不一样的东西。我以后一定会再和你买其他口味的。好坏喔故意只给我试一种口味~  
下面这个好评和My Lovely P为你而:P阴道护理有关系,如果要看My Lovely P为你而:P阴道护理可以按这里。
From Sarah,研发Magic Scent的人。 还有一样有趣的是,因为我出货是要我的舅母准备的,所以她是在出货接触到香水而已。我没有特地告诉她这种香水的效果。昨天她刚告诉我,舅舅最近常赖着她叫她名字想要”口爹”她,弄得她起鸡皮疙瘩。然后我就告诉她,因为她出的货是Pheromone而且是加强效力的。解释了一轮她说难怪了。尤其是她在包自信时尚的香水的时候特别有种心跳的感觉。呵呵。。就算她只是负责包货,没有搽在身上,已经是那么powerful的效果了。
Update on 22/10/10
这个是一位部落格格主的好评。说话直接一针见血的她也对Magic Scent的香味感到满意。 :)
Magic Scent费洛蒙香水部落格好评
这个是客人收到费洛蒙 magic scent后报平安的。
Sweet Innocent 甜美纯真好评,客人用了男友想要哦!
Sweet Innocent 甜美纯真好评,客人用了男友想要?
pheromone review
10/11/10 update
费洛蒙香水, 费洛蒙有效吗?
Updated at 26/11/10 Pheromone Malaysia
在我们Customer Service里面的记录,客人来购买是朋友用到好用介绍来购买的哦!
朋友介绍来买Magic Scent
批发联盟Facebook里面Magic Scent的好评哦!
学生对Magic Scent的好评!
updated on 7/12/10
updated on 19/12/2010      
updated on 20/12/2010 Christmas Ecstasy的email好评: 
updated on 24/12/2010  
updated on 26/12/2010 这个好评有关于到排毒足贴哦!   这个是Christmas Ecstasy的好评: 
updated on 27/12/2010 这个是Christmas Ecstasy的好评:  
updated on 31/12/2010 
updated on 01/01/2011 
Updated on 18/01/2011 
这个是Christmas Ecstasy的好评: 
这个是Christmas Ecstasy的好评: 
updated on 25/01/2011 这个好评跟液体安全套有关:   
Jacqueline Tan on sms 012-4092xxx (补充:她是用甜美纯真) Hi Sarah, thanks for your sample. I never thought you will send me a free sample since one year time ago I complained about the lure perfume smell. When I first received the sample it was like, wow…so cute. Everything is in perfect condition, give me better confidence compared to the old one. I tried opening it and apply it on my neck and just take it easy as it mentioned in instructional manual by your professionals. I like the sweet smell, make me feel like a princess. Hehe… I went clubbing on the same night. ( I applied on the morning, went to work, then back from work and straight to clubbing :P ) And on the same night I get “successful result” on the guy I have “targeting” for so long. Hehe… I don’t feel like telling in details but I think this message will help you and bring confidence to your client.
Tan R W on sms 012-5283xxx (补充:她是用活泼动人) 收到你的新香水sample了也试用了!在这里给你评价吧!这次的香水(你说是帮助别人在工作上对你有好感)真的很喜欢它的味道,用了它感觉。我用了它不知道是不是心理作用,老板好像没有那么苛刻这样。我做错了东西喔!她竟然说没关系以后小心点。之前她一定残我到天花板的!!哈哈哈哈哈。。。孩子平时不喜欢我也好像比较黏我这样。老公就没有什么发觉到变化,可是那天他建议不用煮一家人出去吃东西,我不知道是巧合还是什么。可是感觉就蛮好的~期待这个香水为我带来和平时不一样的东西。我以后一定会再和你买其他口味的。好坏喔故意只给我试一种口味~  
下面这个好评和My Lovely P为你而:P阴道护理有关系,如果要看My Lovely P为你而:P阴道护理可以按这里。
From Sarah,研发Magic Scent的人。 还有一样有趣的是,因为我出货是要我的舅母准备的,所以她是在出货接触到香水而已。我没有特地告诉她这种香水的效果。昨天她刚告诉我,舅舅最近常赖着她叫她名字想要”口爹”她,弄得她起鸡皮疙瘩。然后我就告诉她,因为她出的货是Pheromone而且是加强效力的。解释了一轮她说难怪了。尤其是她在包自信时尚的香水的时候特别有种心跳的感觉。呵呵。。就算她只是负责包货,没有搽在身上,已经是那么powerful的效果了。
这个是一位部落格格主的好评。说话直接一针见血的她也对Magic Scent的香味感到满意。 :)
Magic Scent费洛蒙香水部落格好评
这个是客人收到费洛蒙 magic scent后报平安的。
Sweet Innocent 甜美纯真好评,客人用了男友想要哦!
Sweet Innocent 甜美纯真好评,客人用了男友想要?
pheromone review
10/11/10 update
pheromone for her, pheromone for him, pheromone malaysia
pheromone for her, pheromone for him, pheromone malaysia
pheromone for her, pheromone for him, pheromone malaysia
pheromone for her, pheromone for him, pheromone malaysia
pheromone for her, pheromone for him, pheromone malaysia
pheromone for her, pheromone for him, pheromone malaysia
pheromone for her, pheromone for him, pheromone malaysia
pheromone for her, pheromone for him, pheromone malaysia
pheromone for her, pheromone for him, pheromone malaysia
费洛蒙, 吸引异性, 夫妻情趣
费洛蒙, 吸引异性, 夫妻情趣
费洛蒙, 吸引异性, 夫妻情趣
费洛蒙, 吸引异性, 夫妻情趣
费洛蒙香水, 费洛蒙有效吗?
费洛蒙香水, 费洛蒙有效吗?
费洛蒙香水, 费洛蒙有效吗?
费洛蒙香水, 费洛蒙有效吗?
Updated at 26/11/10 Pheromone Malaysia
在我们Customer Service里面的记录,客人来购买是朋友用到好用介绍来购买的哦!
朋友介绍来买Magic Scent
批发联盟Facebook里面Magic Scent的好评哦!
学生对Magic Scent的好评!
updated on 7/12/10
updated on 19/12/2010      
updated on 20/12/2010 Christmas Ecstasy的email好评: 
updated on 24/12/2010  
updated on 26/12/2010 这个好评有关于到排毒足贴哦!   这个是Christmas Ecstasy的好评: 
updated on 27/12/2010 这个是Christmas Ecstasy的好评:  
updated on 31/12/2010 
updated on 01/02/2011 这个好评有关于到排毒足贴哦!  
updated on 25/02/2011 
updated on 30/03/2011   
Update on 9/6/2011  
Update on 16/6/2011 
Hi, received the parcel. Thanks! The magic scent especially strawberry edition smell good. Even my elder daughter also would like to try on it. Hohoho thanks and merry xmas.
I am your supporter since your first brand of pheromone perfume! The result for the 1st bottle was satisfied. But not the 2nd bottle! I open it after 3 months didnt use it, the fragance is lighter. Even my husband also complain why it smell bad.
Before Sarah launch the Magic Scent, she offer me a sample send from US to test it out. The flavour I tried was Sexy & Sensual.
When I received it, I was like: such a small bottle. only 5ml?! But once I use it, I get it. Because just need a few roll and the effect & smell are great. The fragance of Magic Scent can last pretty long. After a day work back home, hubby still can sense the smell. Sexy & Sensual is just like the name itself, sexy and teasing~
About the effect compare to the previous brand, previous brand score 1 out of 10. But Magic Scent almost score 10 over 10. I am an experience user on pheromone perfume, so I am sure hows ppl react on this. Hahaha... ( not necessary is teasing effect, but its a feeling among ppl :P)
For those who never try Magic Scent before, I suggest you may try to apply at lower body part. Dun aim on ur target's nose. Because the pheromone is too powerful, sometimes may scare away ppl. My hubby is sensitive with fragance and pheromone, he told me his heartbeat become very fast. The 2nd time I use a little bit on upper body and more on lower body, my hubby's reaction become positive.
I am glad Sarah give me a chance to try out the Magic Scent sample, I do give my sincere review. I wish it could help others too!
Tan R W on sms 012-5283xxx (Flavour: Sassy & Lovely)
Received and tested your pheromone perfume sample! Here's my review. This perfume ( you said it can boost popularity in career ) really like the fragance after apply it. I am not sure is it my psychological effect, my boss seems not so demanding. Even I did something wrong, she just tell me to be careful next time. Unlike usual she will scold me to hell! Hahaha.... My kids also stick to me more. Hubby didnt seen much difference, but he did suggest we have a meal outside instead, I dunno its just coincidence or what, but this feel great~ Hopefully this perfume may change my life. I will definitely buy the other flavours later.
I used it, really effective. After giving birth, lack of taking care of my appearance. Whenever have a gathering with friends, I am the one being snubbed... After I use the perfume, I regain my popularity. My friends even claim that I am more attractive now :)
At first, I want to thanks Sarah for sending me the Magic Scent for free.
The flavour I use is Sexy & Sensual
I start trying it once I receive in day time.
The first thing I realise is my 3mths old baby boy hunger for my hugs, and he seems very excited~
He usually take a nap at 2pm, but that day he stay awake until 6pm... sweat =.='
When my hubby came home, he smell something and comment its so nice & sweet~
Of course I didnt let him know bout the secret :P
I continue to use it at night for 3 nites
On the third night, my hubby moved my kids to another bed (my kids use to sleep with me while my hubby sleep alone)
He climbed on my bed hugging me, and asking if he could 'eat me'
But I am too tired that time and i refused to let him do so. hahaha
As I had try few others pheromone perfume before...
Magic Scent give the best effect
Coz it wont make ppl feel like wanna 'eat you' all the time
Its will make ppl feel comfortable with you, wanna get to know more about you, interested in you.... WITHOUT NOTICE!!!
And Magic Scent does smell like high class perfume~
I just need to apply a few on my wrist to see the result.
Eventhough its only 5ml (high concentrate), but its more worthy then those 30ml.
We use to have sex everynight before give birth. After give birth to two baby, especially during second child, the doctor did not help me sew back the private part, so it is loose, my husband has lost the mood to have sex anymore. Sometimes once per two weeks , even I am in the mood but husband will say very tired, Oh My God!! I am still young but don't have sex life already... Luckly enough I meet Sarah, I can feel the tightening effect with just 1 syringe of MyLovelyP treament. Last night I apply the Magice Scent Perfume and pretend nothing special while watching movie on the bed, my husband who is almost asleep suddently hug me, asking why I put on perfume? and then sweet talk me that I am so sexy...etc. After that we have sex, but hubby cant find his way to get in!!! Its a bit pain when he try to push in, hubby was so enjoy, that night we had several rounds :) This 2 days both of us cant wake up early....hohoho~
Thank you so much! Those good review are my own experience, it was so great! MyLovelyP is amazing. My sister bought me a vaginal tightening pills from brand c--w--. It got effect at the first time, but it become loose later. My hubby also complain its too loose. So sad to hear him said so. Nowdays we are not as close as before. When I receive your product, haha, I put on the Magic Scent Perfume without telling him. He seems to stick on me whole day. wherever I go, he follow. Feel quite annoying but I like it. That night I wait till he slept and I used MyLovelyP. The next day when hubby wan to go to sleep, I lie down by his side watching TV. I also apply the Magic Scent Perfume. Its amazing, hubby was attract by me, I feel I am a bad girl now!! Just with 1 syringe of MyLovelyP, I feel like I am virgin again. Its quite pain, but worth it when hubby was so enjoy!!! It have been few days already, my sex life rock, yet no loose back. Actually when I insert MyLovelyP treatment gel inside my vaginal, I can feel the contraction. Its prove that this product did its job to tighten up our vaginal.
From Sarah, The Creator or Magic Scent
Here is an interesting issue, as my aunt help me to prepare for the packing and posting. So she was exposed to perfume during the process. I did not specifically tell her the effect of the fragrance. Yesterday she just told me her husband like to stick on her, calling her name flighty lately which made her goose bumps. Then I told her, because she is expose to  fragrance with enhance power of Pheromone. No wonder she said. Especially when she pack the  Confidence&Stylish flavor she sense a special kind of heartbeat/feeling. Ha ha. . Even she only doing the packing, didnt apply at all, the effectiveness of the pheromone is so powerful.
Thank you, I received the package yesterday. the quantity is quite a lot, I will give it a try, will let you know about the effect and my review.
I am quite surprise about the Perfume. Previously I though it wouldn't smell good if its not branded. But your perfume smell great. I try it yesterday, I like the smell and will definitely continue to use it.
by mikiko
Thank you! Received it yesterday, smells great! like it. Thanks
Received, its great~
Whats the effect for Sweet&Innocent flavor? After Apply it, my boyfriend want to .... :P
I cant wait to test the Magic Scent when I get it yesterday. So far I didnt found anything special effect, but there is one funny thing I would like to share~ My son seems to like this perfume very much. Yesterday afternoon, he sence the smell and said: "mummy smell greast" once I fetched him after school.
Today even weird. He applied Magic Scent on his hand. He never touch my other perfume before!
I asked:" You play my perfume?"
He smile and replied:"This perfume smell so nice, I wan to smell it to bed..."
Ha~ I almost can confirm its the special effect of Magic Scent^^
Beside that I would like to praise bout this perfume, Its really smell great~ Doesn't give ppl an impression that its a low class perfume!
About MyLovelyP, I don't have the chance to try it yet coz my period came~ Will update you later!
I am a girl that likes to pretend tobe brave and powerful. Some works I knew I cant handle but I also pretend that I can. When it ends up I really cant and need some help, no one are willing to help me anymore...
When I apply Sweet & Innocent, they even offer me the help themselve...
Really happy~
For the Sexy & Sensual, I use it while going out with my boyfriend.
He though I apply my old perfume coz they smell quite the same.
I didnt told him that I change to Magic Scent already.
He keep asking me to use it and he will seek for the smell,
he become more active and passion~
If your partner is slow and passive, Try this. It really works. Hoho~
I am a tuition teacher for primary school student, so its important for me to get along with the kids. Kids use to like me, play with me and listen to me; except one standard five boy, alwiz stand against me, which make me lost my confidence on handling my job.
On Saturday, I applied [Sassy &  Lovely] to work. The boy didnt finish his homework, so I asked him to do it right away. If last time. he sure mumble around and wan me to explain why must he do all the homework. But that day, he do it quitely without causing any trouble or complaining. Its totally different ppl compare to what he use to be.
Haha! I believe its the effect of Magic Scent... Makes kids like me, willing to do the homwork as I told. I think, I dun need to yell at him anymore ^^
I am Peggy, I am a girl... My Magic Scent is 'Sassy & Lovely". I was intro by my friend about the pheromone perfume, so I give it a try. When I first apply it, just a little bit ard smell great. After that I went to gathering, my friends all asking what perfume I am using coz it smells good. The boy that I like also attract by me, chatting with me, and we still keep on contact now. After using Magic Scent I feel more confident, more popular, improve the relationship with friends n colleagues too.
At first, I am just thinking of giving it a try. After apply it, the smell not too strong.
I used to hate perfume, I have sensitive nose and will sneeze whenever I smell a perfume. But I am fine with this perfume and like it too~
I dun need to worry of body odor anymore coz my friends only smell the fragrance and keep on asking why I smell so good~ Hahaha
I applied on my wrist and back ear, the fragrance can last pretty long. I applied on 10am and while I back home around 10-11pm, the fragrance is still there...
I am sure to buy it again after I finish this set!
Sassy & Lovely; Sexy & Sensual
Actually I have been interested on Sarah's product pretty long time, always thinking of trying :) Just in time there is a promotion, so I bought 1 set~ The first day I use Sassy and the second day I use Sexy~ No matter which one I use, my kids like to stick around me~ Especially the youngest~ like to leaning on my chest and flighty ^^ She is so cute~ Few days later, hubby ask me when I buy perfume? smell so familiar :) Hehe~ I like the scent of Sexy&Sensual, it make me feel relax! Thanks to Sarah's product which make my kids, hubby n I become more close to each others ^^ Yesterday I give a friend to trying on it, and she decided to order 1 set too!!!
At first, I just simply wan to buy a perfume. Who knows it give me such a big rewards. In the 18 yrs of my life, I bought 3 perfume. First was Silky Girl, 2nd was Paris Mon Amie, but this 2 never give me any good rewards. One day, I found this website while surfing the net. Was giving me a big surprise while I read through all the good reviews. I do scare to buy online since I cant smell the scent myself. But looking at all the good reviews, I finally make up my mind and bought 1 set. When I received and unpack the parcel, goosh! It smell so nice~ I feel no regret!
The next day, I apply Sweet & Innocent and went shopping with my mum. Usually my mum didnt comment on my perfume, but this time she ask:" What perfume you use?, so nice... spend a lot?" Hahaha... even my mum also like it. During shopping time, I heard ppl passing by comment:"Her perfume scent really good" Hahaha... For the effect on guys, I found my cousin likes to come close to me more often XD... Its a bit scary la... but my relatives also say it smell good.
Thanks to the seller ^^... I really like this series so much, will definitely come back to you again^^...
Last but not least:
Its Super!!! The best perfume I have ever try. Compare to mum's branded perfume, I like Magic Scent more!!! You should give it a try. You can come to this website http://www.aromanticshop.com.my/ . There are lots of flavor for you to choose~
My Magic Scent is Sassy & Lovely
The function of the essence is to diminish despression, refreshing mind and increase lively femininity.
I am satisfied with the perfume, I like the scent, feel relax and refresh.
It helps me in my career~~~ rfor example, my customers become more tolerant, easy to accept my words and not so picky anymore.
My popularity wasnt so good, maybe my face look fierce?
Haha! After I use Magic Scent recommand by Sarah (Sassy& Lovely), on the first day I already found my family members talk nicely even I didnt something wrong :P! Then my daughter stick to me more! Usually she can play all by herself but since that day, once I wake up... she will cry! Yesterday I have gathering with my friends, they talk to me more than usual, so happy! Eventhough I just started to use Magic Scent for few days only, the effect really amazing! Thanks Sarah for introduce such a good product to us!
I am DoinkDoink. Perfume is one of the most important accesseries to me. This Sassy & Lovely not only is the scent I like the most, but also it can boost up my popularity.
I am not confidence of myself (even my outlook doesnt look like one), But after I use this perfume I become more confident.
In www.aromanticshop.com.my you may found the right scent for you~
I get to know Magic Scent through my friend. At first, I dun have much interest. When I finish my perfume, and my frined intro me to this. I am thinking: After all i have to buy a new perfume, why dun I give it a try. So, I bought Saay & Lovely. the scent is light but elegant. It wont smell too strong until people cant stand it.
After a while, I found everytime I apply this perfume, my student will claim it smell good and asking where can they get it!! They become more sensual and xlose to me now... which really surprise me!! Haha...
Here I come to give my review!! I finally meet my boyfriend today!! Coz want to test out this perfume~
Actually it have been quite a long time we didnt meet each other... Last time we met, he also didnt talk much and act cool to me..
But today I apply Magic Scent and meet him... his attitute change... I use Sassy & Lovely...
He said I smell nice today... Coz I usually didnt apply perfume... Eventhough his reaction wasnt huge... but I did found he is different... He talks a lot... more considerate...
He use to walk in front of me, doesnt care bout me much... But today he slow down and we walk side by side!! And care bout how my life lately (He dun use to care bout this)
Overall this perfume really help me regain my confidence... and new hopes too!!! Thanks for providing such a good product!
After finish this botol, I will try Sexy & Sensual flavor~ Haha
For someone like me to stand out among the sosial full of pretty babes, I sure suffer losses.
Until I found out Magic Scent on net, I give it a try
I use it as my regular perfume for the past half mth
I found guys did closer to me, care bout me, but not over ( afterall some already got girl friend :P)
This small botle of Magic Scent can last pretty long time, it have been 15 days until now and still got 80% left
I am satisfied with ' Sassy & Lovely' the fruits scent
Shhh~ Let me tell you a secret...
I am Catherine, I was attract by A Romantic Shop's Magic Scent pheromone perfume eventhough I am not a perfume lover. Its not a normal perfume, the noble and elegant scent plus pheromone ( a natural chemical scents the body produces in order to communicate with others nearby. ) make me fall in it.
The first day I use Sweet & Innocent, hubby only claim it smell pungent(sensitive nose). After few days, the effect come. He talks more, sweet talk somemore, hugs me, saying I smell good lately... hoho...
Since we have kids, we quarrel a lot, chat less. That day he become tender, not against me, always give me a warm hugs and surprise kisses. It have been a long time we didnt have such an intimate touch. The feel was so good not to mention when night comes...^^
Me, with the perfume, I feel more confindent and charming, the mood stay good whole day long. I am not sure its the power of the perfume or myself esteem, make me feel I am a charming mummy, But the most important is our relationship become better, hehe...
Feel hard to belief it? You will feel the miracle after you try Magic Scent ^^
I am chewting, a girl, my Magic Scent is "Sweet & Innocent". This is the first time I use Magic Scent. I cant believe when I heard people saying that this pheromone perfume smell good. Coz never smell it never know. Until I bought 1 for myself then I totaly agree. I fall in love with the scent when I smell it. It smell sweet and long lasting. I only apply a bit, my family members already asking what perfume smell so nice. he scent can last from morning till I work off back home in the evening. Unlike my previous perfume the scent go off quickly... I feel more confident and always in good mood after apply it... Eventhough my work place is full of girls which I cant test the effect on guys, but I feel my colleagues care bout me more, which really good... There is once I went to my friends party... there is a photographer to take picture of each of us... onle one piece for one person, but when its my turn, the photographer ask me if I would like to take one more? So, I took it, feel different with others... hehe..
If you cant belief it like i did, give it a try, let it show you the miracle...
Just bought it! So temporaly the review is...
the scent is good... smell a bit sweet... and comfortable
We did have chat transcript that proves client come again because of their friends effect impressed them!
First I would like to praise bout the service of the seller, coz I receive the parcel within 24 hours after I made the payment. I am happy bout it :) I use it as normal perfume, but it really is a magic... I use the Sweet & Innocent when going to school, the kids all stick to me. The second day I use Sexy & Sensual, a new discovery... After school, I clean my house and sweat a lot:( but to my surprise, the perfume mix with my sweat, it create a whole new scent which is great!!! I Love It. From now on, I dun need to worry bout which perfume to choose, coz I will be the fans of Magic Scent... Please dun stop produce it...
Even my hubby with snuffy nose also can smell it, and ask me where I bought. hahaha..
I am a normal girl, dunno how to dress up, makeup, work in a normal company, doesnt have much contact with the outside world. But I do hope I could get someone to notice me, even just a look at me... until I use Magic Scent perfume.
Sweet & Innocent smell like baby powder, mild and comfortable! My world change when I apply it. My boss didnt shout at me, colleagues didnt make things difficult for me anymore. I feel like their princess now, hehe!! This is great!
While going out with boyfriend, I apply Sexy & Sensual. I fall in love with this scent one I smell it! My boyfriend wont have intimate act when we are outside, but that day he hugs and kiss me while we are shopping on the street! Wow~ I ask him what happen, he said: "Do I need a reason to love you more?" I knew its the effect of pheromone XD but he is so clumsy that he didnt found out I apply perfume !
Really happy....
My sister said Sassy & Lovely got refreshing mind effect...
She apply it to take the SPM exam, not sure its psychological or....
She can be more concerntrate compare to last time, didnt feel much pressure while answering the questionaire...
Even the examiner likes to walk around her...
not sure its because of the perfume or her location is easy for the examiner to supervise the candidates...
But it do refresh our mind, I feel that too... really suitable for students like us...
She just tell me that when I mention bout your perfume...
I dun even knew she use my perfume T.T
Sweet & Innocent smell a bit strong for me...
But my mum like it...
Hope this review can be a guideline to those student who surf net...
can help us without breaking the school rules...
Later back to school, I sure intro to my frineds...
and want to attract guys also...haha... naughty me...
forgot to tell you one more thing,,,
My sister is allergy with perfume scent...
She will sneeze whenever we pass by the perfume counter in the shoppingmall...
But this time she apply my perfume secretly...
Dunno I should angry or happy on her...
I receive the perfume already... Seller is very concern... wrapped with so many layer of papers... but the cap of Sweet & Innocent is scratched.. T.T but nevermind^^
I personally like the scent of Sassy & Lovely more than Sweet & Innocent, Sweet smell stronger... I love the scent of Sassy once I smell it... I finally know why this perfume can attract opposite sex, coz even I also cant held myself to smell in again an again... If I knew it earlier I sure order 2 bottles of Sassy & Lovely... Will update you when I see the effect... Hope my review can boost up your business...
babe~ Here I come to write down my good review~
I apply Sassy & Lovely once I get the parcel from the postman.
The same day, I went out to have breakfast with my family~ After the breakfast, on the way rushing to office~ My daughter stick to me and wont let go~~ even kiss me non-stop~~ When I reach my work place, my daughter wont let go of me, she shout: mummy, I dunwan you to work~ I want you to accompany me, hugs me... wuwuwu~~~( god~~~ what I think is how come she act like this today~~ why stick to me like this~~ I actually forgot I got apply the perfume. Only after that I recall it because on the same day, my colleagues all being nice to me~~ Even those who seldom talk to me also chat wih me a lot)
Then~~ hehe, night comes, I want to be a bad girl~~~ Cant wait to try out the effect of Sexy & Sensual~~ Befor I use it, I sms sarah asking bout the correct way to use it~~[ must totally clean out the spot I apply pheromone perfume previously]
Get the correct instruction, its time to give it a test~~ After bath, I pad my daughter to sleep~ then Its time for Sexy & Sensual~ Once I open it, the smell really good~ Even I also cant help to smell it over and over~~
I apply it on my wrist, ear, chest and neck...
Then I am ready to seduce my man, when I sneak and kiss his lips, he already start to breath deeply~ He suddently hug me and keep on kissing the place I apply perfume~~( He actually awake while I applying the perfume)
I smell the scent very strong on me, but its really nice~~ feel dazing... and we did what we should~~ beside my man become powerful~~ I found myself also become a bit lewd~~ (my man told me so, and I do agree)
After that time, I didnt use Sexy & Sensual anymore~~ Its too strong~~~ cant use it everday~~~ will be very tired
sarah~~ This perfume really good ^^ I will sure intro lots of customer to you, thanks for intro such a good product to me~
actually my boyfriend treat me very good, his salary all give me keep even his ATM card also... but he got 1 thing no good is he a bit playful, a bit lust...  lots of time get caught from me that he date many gals behind me. then his sms is very wretched like he already have sex with them, then compare with their boyfriend or husband. We have lots of arguement on this, he even chase my out of the house and break the handphone. Seems like I have no more attraction to him, no more feeling,....
then I use everyday. 2nd day I use the perfume my boyfriend really cant stand for it, then what I say he also listen. I have been using this perfume for 1 month, those history never repeat anymore, he follow wherever I go, whatever I say,he follow, This perfume really help me a lots...
In a coincidence, I saw many good reviews of Magic Scent pheromone perfume... I bought Sexy & Sensual (because my husband doesnt seems to care bout me like he use to be)
My first try on Magic Scent was in a Sunday noon. Because I am not sure how much to apply, so after bath, I put on ears, neck, wrist, waist..... my whole body was full of the scent. Husband smell it and say very nice.... then we go out for shopping.
While we were shopping, husband hold my hand, hug me tight (this didnt have quite a long time already)!He sneak kiss n smell at me while I am shopping for mystuff. stick to me like a kid. I think he is searching for the scent of the perfume. On that day, whatever I want I just need to ask, he will buy for me, treat me like a princess, this feels great! Feel like going back to the past when we are dating. After a whole day shopping, the scent of Magic Scent still there, really can last long time.
At night, he tease me, foreplay a lots, I really enjoy it... At last he bow to me again!
Magic Scent bring me lots of surprise... good!
Support. Tried many perfume where will feel bored bout the fragrance after use it for a while~
But Magic Scent, my friends keep on saying it smell great~~ hehe :DD
Even I also like to smell the fragrance all the time^^
hi Sarah...
received the perfume
likes the scent very much, can last long time also
will come to support you again
I personally very satisfied with the effect of this perfume~I am using Sassy & Lovely~ I had try many perfumes~ But none of them can attract people's attention or being praise~ Since I use this perfume~ My friends all said the scent is good~feel very comfortable with it~ Ask me to let them try~ But I didnt share~(not because I am selfish)~~ I didnt bring it with me~ Coz the scent is long lasting~~ can last whole day long~ So, I dun need to bring it with me like the other perfumes do~ Its good news for me, my bag can be lighter~ hehe~ another points is when I go out with my friends~ guys will tryto get to sit beside me~ It really surprise me~ got a bit shock that time~ hahaha~ the effect is so clear~ Then last week I joined a singing competition~ Its weird that I didnt feel scare~ no stress~ no shaking~ I finish the song easily~ And I won 2nd prize!!! I am so happy! I think its the effect of the perfume~ Really happy to knew this perfume~And just need to apply a little bit only~ I have been using it for 2 weeks~ Dun feel the quantity is getting lesser~ hehe~ just a little bit already smell good~ Really great~ I am sure to introduce it to my friends!!! I will continue using it too~ Eventhough this is the first time I try this perfume~ Not even finish 1 bottol~ I already bought 3 bottles~ Thats Sassy&Lovely, Sexy&Sensual and Christmas ecstasy~~ There you see how much I love it~ Really cant wait to try them one by one~ Make me feel more confident~ more charming~ I can even use them according to different occasions~ No one can resist me~ hehe~ Great!!!
Haha, Sarah, Here I come again. I received Christmas Esctasy and Magic Scent on last friday. Cant wait to try Christmas Esctasy after bath. Erm... To be honest, I dun really like the scent at the first try, feel a bit spicy, coz I already get use to the scent of Sexy & Sensual. But I still appy it on my neck and wrist, then sit beside my boyfriend and surf net... one hour... two hours... boyfriend's mum called us for dinner(they use to have dinner at 9pm+), my boyfriend pull me back when I wan to open the door, I ask:" What happen? I am staving!" "long time didnt hug you like this! hug awhile la!" "hehe... okie!"... After that he scooped me the rice , asking me want to have the dinner in dining room or upstair in the bedroom )normally I am the one who do all these), he even wash my plate after dinner... then we went back to bedroom and sleep... sleepng...sleeping... wake up by him... and... we did.... whole night doing XXX, damn tired... Now I slowly fall in love to the smell of Christmas Esctacy, even after bath the scent still there, just lighter. And the effect of Christmas Esctacy is stronger than Magic Scent. I heard that Christmas Ecstasy doesnt have much stock left, I am lucky to get 1 bottle, or else I wont know how strong it is...hehe...
Magic Scent perfume's effect is out of my espectation, but Christmas Esctasy Even greater. All the perfume smell light and sweet, Even my boyfriend with a sensitive nose also feel good and attract by it. Now, I use it wherever I am, different occasions with different Magic Scent. Magic Scent improve my realstionship with my colleagues, unlike the time when I first get here being treated badly. hehe... I only use Christmas Ecstasy with going out with my boyfriend ^^
Am I late?
I am using the perfume, both smell good and can last prettylong time!
Hi, I received ur produsts 2 days ago. Thanks for the gift :)3
I give the 2 pairs of foot patches to my colleague, and she like it~
Before that, her period was late for 1 week and she accidently fell down at home
The 2nd day she used the foot patch, her period come and the body's pain relief a lot (the body part she fell and knocked)
Then is my Magic Scent
I like the scent of Sexy & Sensual, smell good and comfortable
I use it for 2 days, and feel the effect already
like yesterday, my boss knew I forgot to contact a customer, he didnt scold me like he use to be, just laughing andask why I am so forgetful
And then is my boyfriend (my main target)
At first, he though it was the scent of my hair conditioner
After 2 days, I found we are back to the time where we are so close to each other (our relationship non as good as it use to be for quite a long time already)
Today morning, he try to find the scent on my neck and wrist
I reallyhope this perfume can help me improve our relationship
Love this perfume so much :P
The scent is sweet but wont over... some perfumes with sweet scent will cause dizziness when you smell it for quite a long time... LOL but this wont ^^ support
hi~ really good, My honey also say smell nice^o^
To be honest, that day I use X'mas Ecstasy, and go out with the guy I admired, end up he keep on saying: you are so pretty today, smell so good.. and he....
Thats why I really want tothank you... such a magical perfume...
Hi, sarah, not sure I am too late to give my review! I have been using Magic Scent for quite a long time...
At first, I though my stupid husband's nose got problem or what! Coz I cant find any difference on him... until I saw someone's review lately then only I knew, It actually works on me already...
hehe... I bought Sexy & Sensual and Sweet & Innocent, Not to denied that he become tender to me when I apply this perfume, when we make love, he likes to kiss my neck( I applied Magic Scent on both side of my neck) He wont do this before I use Magic Scent! I am so surprise!
I like the scent of Sexy & Sensual, can last whole day. Effect also better than those branded perfume!
This is my first attempt to write a review... not really good in this! Hope it may help you!
hehe... I come to share my experience using sarah's perfume... I am not quite familiar with the scent when I start to use it... smell likes car's air refresher... But after awhile the scent mix with my body heat... it change to something smell charming... the scent really sexy and feminine... love it!! Whenever I put on the perfume... hubby will sneak for the smell and kiss me... asking me why I smel so good... hoho!!!
hello! I would like to share the review for foot patch first, its just the 2nd days I use it, not bad, I use to sleep late, and wont wake up early if kids are not going to school. Today I woke up early all by myself, last nite I slept at 3am, but I wont feel sleepy when I woke up! Normally I will like sleep walking, but today I am full of energy
That day I gave a bottle of Confident & Stylish to my husband, dunno he is just lucky or ? Today is his first try on it, and he manage to complete one sales,eventhough its just a small one.
Received~~ Thanks~~~
Smell good~~
First, I would like to thanks Sarah for giving me this opportunity (Just leave a massage to get a free Chrismas Ecstasy perfume)
Actually, I dun belief I can get a perfume worth RM90 free and easy. But I still give it a try, unbelievable I really get a bottle of Christmas Ecstasy. Hehe~
But , before I get Christmas Ecstasy, I bought the set of Magic Scent - Sassy & Lovely and Sexy & Sensual. Once I received Christmas Ecstasy, I try it the same night, I only apply it on my ears back, but I already feel my whole body covered with the aroma, both of my daughter stick to me more than usual. Even hubby also hug me to sleep~
Right now I already have 3 bottles, Christmas Ecstasy, Sassy & Lovely and Sexy & Sensual. No need to buy those expensive and branded perfume anymore. Just use Magic Scent, coz it brings lots of effect that is out of my expectation...
I will continue support Magic Scent
carmen: I am really happy hubby become more considerate... thanks sumin for introduce me to this perfume, I will buy the other flavor to try it...
Hello! Finally, I received the perfume~ Really smell good!! Likes the scent~~~ Just apply a little bit whole body covered by the aroma already, mood become good also~
from bottom to top
carmen: I have been using Christmas Ecstasy for 3 weeks! I found I love it even more.When I start to use it, my partner like to stay beside me enjoy the scent...He always stick to me... And then the sparks on... At first I though it was just a coincidence, but then I notice that everytime I use the perfume, we are more enjoy and intense! Cool... Until few days ago I tried other perfume, husband ask: whats the smell on your body, its weird, unlike the scent you use to be... After few days I apply christmas Esctasy again, and ask him how he feels... He said its hard to explain the feelings, its like he cant control himself from wanting me!! whole body is on fire...
The Liquid condom really does its job~ Great!!!
The perfume is even more attractive~ Haha~ Really happy~~
LZ, received the parcel!! Thanks for your gift~ Its cute!!
It really works, I havent apply it on me. But my boyfriend who is in the room smell the scent, he already become flighty and tender~
Come to write down a review when I received the parcel
I still havent use Magic Scent! Will update after I use it. Yesterday, when the postman reach my house with my parcel, he ask: the scent so nice... what is it inside? perfume?
Wow! wrapping so tightly also he can smell the aroma! Think the scent sure nice. After signing the receipt, I went back into my house~~ My mom claim that the postman is a bit lust~ I ask why she said so~ Mom said the postman keep on staring at me~ I wonder how she know~ She said she have been watching at the door side!!! I already can foresee the effect before I use it!!! hehe~~
Hi, Magic Scent really magical, Easy to use and smell great... foot patch effect also very good~ can I order here? I wan 10 boxes ^^
Ok, I will transfer to you later... because your products really good... My friend's mom's hand alwiz paralysis, it have been better since she use the foot patch, I am glad that it can help... My husband not only relief his pain but also slimmer~ So amazing... ^^ Magic Scent help me regain my confidence on my career, improve the relationship with my husband... he alwiz stick around my to seek for the scent of Magic Scent. Now I always get what I want... Haha
Packing with intention, I like it. She is a very careful seller ^^
I apply once I received~ Although my outlook is good, relationship with guys also not bad. But in less than 10 sec after apply the perfume, a tranger came over and told me that I am hot. Its magical, eventhough I am not sure its bcoz of the perfume or  I am wearing short pants~ Ha
Because I love the special scent of Christmas Ecstasy ^^ I applied before I sleep, husband reaction was Super ^^
I even order the xmas promotion set now!
Really looking forward for its effect~
Thanks! Receive the parcel last week, smell great! Will intro to others :)
I just bought Magic Scent pheromone perfume online. Tested yesterday. The effect is great!!! Just a small drop already enough!!! Really satisfied!!
Today will try on other flavors, I will dropby to give reviews soon!
I receive ard... smell good... I like it
Mum also ask what perfume is this.. smell good~~ ^^
Reveiced the product~
Really smell good^^

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